Sunday, March 24, 2013

The Simms Scavanger Hunt

This scavenger hunt has been a week or so in the offing. I've been traveling on business - all airports and offices (with an occasional stop at a pub for sustenance) -- so I've been greatly delayed in getting this post up. I've got a brief respite having just arrived back in Slovakia. Sadly, trout season here doesn't open for another three weeks. Damn.

When I posted my Headwaters Pro Waist Pack gear review last week I promised a scavenger hunt for some Simms loot. Rich Hohne has provided a Simms Wading Belt and Cap (about $60 of Simms goodness) to distribute to the lucky winner.

Add a comment below with the answers to these questions. All the answers can be found on the Simms site. If you trust that someone who has answered before you got the questions correct, go ahead and cut an paste their answers. Of course, I would expect that some the readers of this blog* would start off with a set of answers that were intentionally incorrect so as to disqualify as many folks as possible.

From the list of correct entries I will select, at random, a winner. You have until at least Wednesday night to enter though my ability to adjudicate this event in a timely fashion will be determined by work schedule, access to the intertubes and Zlaty** consumption. It may take a bit longer to get to the judging so no bitching if it does.

The Questions:
  1. What is the name for Simm's footwear technology that promotes features and/or materials that are more resistant to "hitch-hiking" organisms?
  2. What country was Cathy Lang fishing in when she caught the monster brown featured in the Catch of the Day?
  3. How long is the warranty on Simms products due to workmanship or defect?
  4. What are the three ways to buy products from the Simms website?
  5. How many styles of waders does Simms sell? Is that number really unlucky?

* I'm thinking of you, Kirk, though it could just as easily be Jonny. Or T.J. Or Mike. Or Marc. Damn, there are too many to list. Don't trust anyone.
** Zlatý Bažant, Official Slovak Beer of Sipping Emergers


  1. 1.CleanStream™ .
    2. Esquel, Argentina
    3. If a Simms wader fails due to workmanship or material defect during the life of the product, return it for immediate repair or replacement.
    4. Locally, Dealer Online, Simms Direct
    5. 13.... as for luck... depends if you are fishing with a swede. :)

  2. 1.CleanStream
    3.Life of the product
    4.Buy Locally, Buy From an Online Dealer, Buy from Simms Direct
    5.13-No, the number 13 is extremely common and has no statistical correlation with bad luck.

  3. 1.CleanStream
    3. If a Simms wader fails during life of product due to workmanship or material defect
    4. Direct from simms, local dealer, or online dealer
    5. 13, and no none at all

  4. 1.CleanStream
    3. If a Simms wader fails during life of product due to workmanship or material defect
    4. Direct from simms, local dealer, or online dealer
    5. 13, and no none at all

  5. I just heard the peepers.

    Carry on.

  6. 1. CleanStream™
    2. Argentina
    3. The life of the product
    4. Buy locally, buy from an online dealer, or buy from Simms direct
    5. 13... not unlucky if it turns out to be the number of fish you catch in a day

  7. 1. CleanStream
    2. Argentina
    3.The life of the product
    4. Buy Locally, Buy from online dealer, buy from Simms direct
    5. 13 styles of waders and no 13 is not lucky. Both my wife and daughter were born on the 13th and I am one lucky man. - no my wife and daughter probably won;t see this. :)

  8. 1. CleanStream
    2. Argentina
    3. Life of the product
    4. Local Dealer, Online Dealer, or Direct from Simms
    5. 13 different styles. The number 13 is not unlucky (you may even be able to win a scavanger hunt with it).

  9. 1.CleanStream
    2. Esquel, Argentina
    3. If a Simms wader fails due to workmanship or material defect during the life of the product, return it for immediate repair or replacement
    4. Locally, Dealer Online, Simms Direct
    5. 13.. My two favorite numbers add up to 13, so unlucky, no.

  10. 1. CleanStream Technology
    2. Argentina
    3. Warranty for workmanship or defeccts is for the life of the product
    4. Locally, from an Online Dealer, or buy from Simms Direct
    5. 13 different styles of waders. 13 is really lucky for me this year, although I put in many nights in the deer blind whenever I could but on the final stretch I sat for 13 straight nights waiting for the buck I had watched all year long. Got him on the 13th evening which was November 13. 13 is my lucky number in 2013!

  11. 1. CleanStream
    2. Argentina
    3. Warranty lasts for the life of the product
    4. Direct from Simms, local dealer, or online dealer
    5. 13 different styles of waders, odd numbers are lucky in my family

  12. 1)Cleanstream
    4)Local dealer, online dealer, direct from Simms
    5)13 styles, I hope not!

  13. Cleanstream
    Lifetime warranty due to workmanship/defect
    Localy, online dealer, Simms Direct

    I hemmed and hawed about participating but I broke down and decided to play. I like the new camo gear on the Simms site.
