Sunday, June 16, 2013

High Water

Spent a pleasant afternoon on the banks of the Housatonic yesterday picnicking with the Candlewood Valley TU crowd. After weeks of rain we had deep blue, sunny skies, a light breeze and warm air. The Zebra Caddis were out in great numbers. And, we had about eight times the normal flow in the river. Chocolate milk was the color of the swollen stream. Still, it was nice to be out in a "not fishing due to epic flows" sort of way. Maybe next weekend. Or the next after that. Our rivers are big.

About the only folks who were happy for the high water

A good three inches of visibility

Zebra Caddis were everywhere. I suppose they don't mind the high, muddy water.
Anglers not angling.


  1. I've been not fishing similar-looking water in my neck of the woods.

    1. It's been a real pleasure not fishing with you.

  2. Zebra Caddis and chocolate milk. Sounds like a good snack. Seriously, I've never seen Zebra Caddis before. Interesting looking for sure. Any time out on the water is good stuff even if it's the color of chocolate milk.

    1. When the water is at a reasonable level, fishing this hatch is a bunch of fun. The Zebras are huge for a caddis, about an inch or more long, and have antenna that are twice as long as their bodies. Pitching a downwing pattern along a fishy bank is good fun.
